
Yoga and Eating Disorders

Nikola Ellis (she/her) is joining us today to talk to us today about yoga and eating disorders.  

The good news, and the bad news.

Nikola is a certified yoga therapist, psychotherapist and online educator who has been immersed in yoga for 30 years. She is also the founder of Adore Yoga and is currently serving as the Vice President of Yoga Australia.

Nikola has trained thousands of yoga teachers, therapists & health professionals. With post-graduate training in public health, Nikola consults for organisations including the Cancer Council NSW and has conducted research at the eating disorders day program at Westmead Children’s Hospital in Sydney.

Nikola is also joining us for the Mental Health and Yoga summit, starting on 31st of January 2022.  

We’re going to be diving deeply in the world of yoga and mental health, and Nikola will be speaking more in yoga and eating disorders, so if you’re a yoga teacher or mental health professional interested in this world, I wholeheartedly invite you to join us.  

You can sign up for free at www.mentalhealthandyogasummit.com.

Jan 24, 2022


Registration for the online Mental Health Aware Yoga training is now open!

Refine your skills in the growing field of yoga and mental health, and empower real transformation as you deeply support your yoga students experiencing depression, anxiety, stress and trauma.

Early bird ends on the 31st August 2024.


Western Psychology

Western Psychology

Yoga Psychology

Yoga Psychology

Safe Container

Safe Container

Therapeutic Skills

Therapeutic Skills

Yogic Practices

Yoga Practices

Mental Health Crisis

Mental Health Crisis


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Come and join our brilliant community of like-mind Yoga Teachers and tune into (mostly) weekly video episodes with our founder Dr Lauren Tober.

It's all happening over in our FREE Facebook group.

Mental Health Aware Yoga Facebook Group


Are you on Facebook?

Awesome, so are we!

Come and join our brilliant community of like-mind Yoga Teachers and tune into (mostly) weekly video episodes with our founder Dr Lauren Tober.

It's all happening over in our FREE Facebook group.

Mental Health Aware Yoga Facebook Group
Dr Lauren Tober

Hi, I'm Dr Lauren Tober!

As a Clinical Psychologist and Yoga Teacher of nearly two decades, I'm passionate about integrating yoga and psychology on the mat, in the counselling room and in the world.

With the growing interest in mental health and yoga, yoga students are attending yoga classes for the mental health benefits in unprecedented numbers.

In fact, 79.4% of yoga students report practicing yoga for the mental health benefits.

It's important that Yoga Teachers know how to support them.

I'm glad you're here.

  Visit my website .
  Come say hi on Insta


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Download the Patañjali's Eight Limbs of Mental Health Aware Yoga ebook by Dr Lauren Tober

Patanjali's 8 limbs and Mental Health Aware Yoga ebook cover V2

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